Say - me how you eat
Say - me how you eat...
Why does one
grow bigger? Why lose? More than fifty per hundreds of the European population
suffers from catch of weight. It is the first cause of cardiovascular problems:
50 % of the deaths, which also intervene in cancers 25 % of death in Europe.
On the other hand,
in the daily food - to eat too little and too
seldom at the beginning of day with a surplus of fine appetite of day - involves
an imbalance in the blood circulation of glucose, this last involving itself
accumulation of greases on the one hand and problems cardiovascular in addition.
The excess of weight is born from the negligence of the "
Gold Rules ". Let us add
a usual lack
of physical activities,
although the sport is not "" the universal "panacea.
We propose to you...
A rehabilitation, a
return to a "balanced" food. You will have a share active, major, in this result.
You will avoid the most usual traps thanks to our
"guide of composition of food"
We commit yourselves you following, day after day, stage
after stage. You will lose weight regularly and, thanks to, new reference marks,
you will remain in full form as well physical as morals throughout treatment. We
however will improve your food rate/rhythm and your hygiene of life: it is the
indispensable condition of success, health and longevity! It will be your result,
your victory!
We will also
learn how to you to avoid very begun again weight, to avoid dangerous, harmful
food with your health and your moral.