The Lipotomy will definitely make an end to your fatty spots without medicine nor surgery…
LThe lipotomy is a new peak technique that proposes you our team of specialists. Known since 1999 and born in the U.S.A. it now disembarks in Europe.
Other questions ? : Définitively? Progress? After? Price?
The lipotomy can remove definitely but progressively the plumpness and undesirable pads, in some sessions, and offer you the perfect profile that you ever wished.
The lipotomy procures you a more slender profile: it is an excellent technique of correction of the hips, knees, buttocks, outside of the thighs - named "riding breech" again - or the stomach
All those small unsightly fat cushions are removed and you can slim exactly where and as much as you want. In a certain number of cases, this treatment can also be a solution to cellulite...
What lipotomy exactly ?
When is lipotomy advisable ?
can bring this treatment to me ? |
How is held a lipotomy " European Clinics " ?
The session begins with a hypotonic infiltration of serum on the level from the zone to treat. If necessary, a local anaesthesia is always available. The expert traces on the skin the lines of your future silhouette.
A complementary treatment based on ultrasounds is practised. Small bruises can sometimes appear on the treated zones : they disappear quickly. Destroyed fat cells do not return : indeed, the stock of fat cells is enclosed at the time of puberty with impossibility of constituting news by afterwards of them. The modifications of silhouette are thus final, in the very long term and the skin, except very exceptional cases, will adapt perfectly to new shape
According to the number and the importance of the treated zones, the treatment will last 1 to 2 hours. You will be able then to quietly refresh you and return home.
Will my insurance cover the soft-liposculpture treatment?
CHow does a lipotomy occur ?
Are the lymphatic drainages necessary ? |
How is held a lipotomy ?
This treatment occurs without medication nor anaesthesia. By injection, the expert drowns the fat cells with physiological salt solution hypotonic sterile. The fat cells are gorged with liquid, by phenomenon of osmotic pressure.
They disaggregate - a treatment with ultrasounds supplements the session - and are eliminated in blood circulation.
After the treatment, it is necessary that you carry a panty (or a binding of application according to cases') during two weeks. This port makes it possible to reabsorb the oedemas and to obtain a perfect adaptation of the skin your new shape.
Are there disadvantages with the lipotomy ?
Which results can I wait ?
Will the lipotomy leave scars ?
When will I be able to take again a normal activity ?
To obtain a perfect retraction of your skin, you must carry a panty during 2 weeks, of which the first week day and night.
To possibly accelerate the result, you can follow some meetings of "lymphatic drainage". You will return for a control one month after the treatment, moment to which one can hope for a final stage of the result
Finally ,
What one should not either neglect : the technique of lipotomy used by the team of specialists " European Clinics " is particularly simple and flexible. This advantage allows a ratio quality-price " European Clinics " i.e. very interesting compared to other methods. She also avoids an useless hospitalization and an anaesthesia
This advantage allows a quality-price ratio " European Clinics " i.e. very interesting compared to other methods. She also avoids an useless hospitalization. Two, three and until four localizations - according to cases' and to determine by the consulting doctor of the team of " European Clinics " - can be treated at the time of same and single intervention ; this flexibility allowsthe application of an interesting discount: , an interesting discount: ,, starting from de 199 €uros.